Thursday, 20 November 2014

A Talk on Emotional Intelligence

Yesterday I presented the "Entropic Emotional Intelligence" model in a long (2h!) talk at the Computer Science faculty, Murcia University, as a way to add intelligence to video game players:

In about one week there will be an official video (in spanish) in the university tv site, that I will upload to youtube so I can subtitle it to english.

The slides in spanish and english are available at the blog's download page.

In the meanwhile, the paper I am working on is getting slowly to the finish line. I can't really publish it on any journal because they only accept 30 pages or less articles, not +100 pages, so I will publish it directly in ArXiv.


  1. Very interesting, maybe I start in a few months my own project on Qt with C++ (actually I've already started but no time for the moment). Please let us know when you upload your new paper to ArXiv and when your last speech is available at the Murcia University tv. Thanks.



    1. Hi Alberto,

      You have V2.0 in the Download section, I uploaded it today, so you can take it as a good starting point for porting. This version is the one showed in the last talk, the "emotional" part is implemented and lots of old code have been removed, so I consider it "clean code" for my poor standards.

      Please keep in mind LGPL license dictates you have to release your C# version of the algortihm (not all your code, only this part) as a contribution to the donwload page in this blog. It is just a way to make it easier to spread, I hope it is not a problem.

      The video is not still online, but you can check it here in some days:

      The paper is still on the writting/drawing proccess (it will have lots of drawings instead of formulas), I spect it to be finished on a couple of months.

  2. Ok, thank you very much.

    I will tell you something if I go further with my project.



  3. Thanks! Link to: Topological algebraic invariants and graph entropies as measures of intelligence for people, general artificial intelligences, and civilizations.

    1. Hi Alex, interesting document (specially the first link in the biblio!) but it is more related to this post serie about a new Graph Entropy I have found:
