Thursday, 20 November 2014

A Talk on Emotional Intelligence

Yesterday I presented the "Entropic Emotional Intelligence" model in a long (2h!) talk at the Computer Science faculty, Murcia University, as a way to add intelligence to video game players:

In about one week there will be an official video (in spanish) in the university tv site, that I will upload to youtube so I can subtitle it to english.

The slides in spanish and english are available at the blog's download page.

In the meanwhile, the paper I am working on is getting slowly to the finish line. I can't really publish it on any journal because they only accept 30 pages or less articles, not +100 pages, so I will publish it directly in ArXiv.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Is it the Terminator AI?

Most of the people I talk about this magic algortihm use to bring into the conversation the terminator that using a powerfull artificial intelligence decided to destroy the humans. Scaring.

It has been something that has really preocupated in the process, really, I don't want to help create a perfect weapon anymore than you would do!.

Busy writting

I consider the algortihm of the "Entropic Emotional Intelligence" almost fully completed, not in this blog, but in my mind. I still will need some months to put all the ideas on the code and test it in its finished form. I have great expectations, but I think it will take a lot of CPU!

In the process of building the general version of the algortihm, I am also writting a complete academic paper detailing the algortihm with a more technicall aproach than I can follow in this blog.

It will keep me busy for some monts, but after that time, I promise to add it to arXiv inmediately.

Ah! I also found the idea for my next algortihm: is about consciousness...


If the algorithm wants to be generally usable, it must be able to gracefully deal with uncertainty.